Happy Thanksgiving....
To my Canadian friends of course! We down here in America still have a month and a half til our big turkey day. And well me, my 40th birthday.... UGH! I think the leading up to it will be worse than the actual event. I'm not so worried about turning 40 (it's the new 30, right?) I think it's just a stigma. Besides, I look awesome for my age (knock wood) hahahaha. Not too narcissistic am I? I mean for the most part, I am pretty happy in my life. The only thing I haven't accomplished is that whole life partner thing. It still seems to be eluding me. But maybe finally this year will be my year. I don't know how, but I'm really going to step up my game.
Got suckered into a spinning class this morning. Haven't done one in a couple of months. Didn't have my spinning shoes and it sucked. The pedal dug into the bottom of my foot and right after warming up my knee started to ache. So yeah, I think my spinning days are over. Ugh! My goal this week? To be in the gym all five days. I have been kind of lax the past couple of months. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard on Mondays and Tuesdays (my days off) to get my butt out of bed at 5:30 am. But I am bound and determined to get back into it.
Well time to get on with my day and work on getting my own cess pit in order for my visitor this weekend.... Yikes, only 5 more days and he'll be here!
Have a good one!

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40 is easy. And yes, you look good for any age :-) I prefer my spin class to give me a change of scenery while I spin :D
Whip that Cess Pit into shape! I hit the pool this morn after loafing off Monday morn - so I feel v good! Did have eggs benedict for brekkie though!
mwah mwah!
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