Friday, huh?
I'm really having a hard time existing right now. The hockey game was great. We ended up winning 4-2 against the Carolina Hurricanes. I got to spend time with my friend and her fam. But due to the fact that I had some coffee yesterday around 5, I get home after the game like around 10:15 and still pretty awake. Well and of course the Gator Sooner game was still going so when all was said and done I didn't get to bed til 12:30. So you know when the alarm went off at 5, I was not too happy about that. But I got up and I went. And today was boot camp Friday.....let's just say we were all feeling the effects of the holidays. I felt like I was going to collapse into a pile of mush half the time but we made it though. I feel pretty good but just REALLY tired. A LARGE cup of coffee is most certainly in order when I arrive at work today.
Oh and also just thought I'd share that is a most amazingly beautiful day today. Right now at 8:30 am it is supposedly 58 degrees but I'm not so sure. To me it feels about 65. Maybe because it's so sunny (snicker) The high is to be 75 today. (grin)
Have a great Friday my friends.....

Its going to be in the 50's here in St. Louis today, which makes no sense whats so ever, but I'll take it. Of course it is a day I don't have to stand on the bus stop. Those days are always a high in the 20's!
Hope your day isn't too rough! Take care!
It's supposed to be a sunny 75 here today too. Enjoy!
I think I feel that way every workout but always glad I did it.
Good for you on the workout! It's snowing here, AGAIN!
Sweet I could use warm weather like that...
Wish it were that warm here.
We're in the 30's. the weatherman insists that we're getting up to 6 inches of snow but he's not normally right :)
Glad you had a good time at the hockey game!
It's hard to keep going when your sleep schedule gets messed up. Good for you, though, for working out! Just make sure to catch up on your rest. ;)
It felt warm in KC yesterday at 28 for the 1/2 hour I spent there! shhhh...Florida weather (Im jealous)
It is the middle of Summer here - and tough to beat! 30 degrees C - don't know what that is in F
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