Here we are at Monday again. Right. Ok. Now what? lol, just playing.
Had a pretty good weekend. Saturday went out for dinner and shopping with one of my HS chums. Picked up a new pair of trainers (when the hell did I suddenly become British? hahahaha) Sneakers for the gym I mean. I think I have traded in my addiction for cute, sexy, and strappy for sturdy, supportive, and comfort. I'm all about shoes for the gym now. I have more pairs than I really need but it seems I'm trading off one addiction for another (what else is new?)
Also in gym news, got on the scale this morning and I am down another 4 pounds! Woo Hoo!!!! Im really counting it as 5 (well really 7) because I forgot to get on the scale BEFORE I put on my spinning shoes AND it's that time of the month so Im kind of bloated hehehehe But imagine my shock when I saw it was that much! Oh happy day. And I am doing so well too. I haven't hardly strayed at all off my eating plan. I'm so proud of myself. I know I keep saying I'm going to take new piccies but really I am going to do it this week. I HAVE to because I really want to see the change. And plus it will keep me motivated. My new nickname at the gym is "slim" hehehehe I love my crew there.
Yesterday I watched 10 things I hate about you. I guess it was one of Heath Ledger's early movies. It made me miss him. And then I watched later on Eastern Promises. It was ok. Viggo Mortensen + Russian accent = Mmmmmmmm! But it had one of those ending that was like D'OH! I hate endings that leave you hanging and feeling unfinished even though it kind of was. I suppose I'll hit the library today and pick up some more movies.
Not much going on today. Going later to the acupuncturist and now just trying to find some motivation to sort my laundry and get some out of the way before I head out. Have a good Monday, all.

more animals
yeah, I hate it also when "things" don't climax (come to a proper ending) Now, get your mind outta that gutter
Nice work with the weight loss(again!). I'm looking forard to the photo - I can remember the last one that I saw, which was of you on the bridge.
Hope the accupunturist gives you a great jabbing!
hey slim...good job. I really feel like I fell of the wagon - the health wagon. I really need to get back on and will be using unemployment to get back on track. I loved Eastern Promises - the only thing worse than the ending was seeing how small Viggo's penis was in the steam room scene. That was disappointing. lol
dammit you are a machine. I better get to work!!!
Love the progess you are making.
Aw...I love "10 Things".
Um, hello? Viggo NAKED for the fight in the shower. Wowza!
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