I thought it was Fall?
Not here it isn't. Still getting into the 90's here (or at least real close to it) When is this heat finally going to break?
Not here it isn't. Still getting into the 90's here (or at least real close to it) When is this heat finally going to break?
Maybe so but it sure as hell makes you damn tired! I am getting my apartment ready for my visitor on Saturday. You all do not understand the ramifications of this and how it has affected me. Let me put it to you this way. I have lived in my apt 10 years. Add to that the minor issue I have with shopping. That kind of equals I have a lot of crap.
To my Canadian friends of course! We down here in America still have a month and a half til our big turkey day. And well me, my 40th birthday.... UGH! I think the leading up to it will be worse than the actual event. I'm not so worried about turning 40 (it's the new 30, right?) I think it's just a stigma. Besides, I look awesome for my age (knock wood) hahahaha. Not too narcissistic am I? I mean for the most part, I am pretty happy in my life. The only thing I haven't accomplished is that whole life partner thing. It still seems to be eluding me. But maybe finally this year will be my year. I don't know how, but I'm really going to step up my game.
Well, I tried getting into some games today but I just can't really seem to. The Dolphins don't play til tomorrow night when we meet up with the Jets. I can't wait to see how they do. To me, they looked great last week against Buffalo and if they can keep up that pace, we can definitely get into the playoffs.
Yeah, that's what I still call it. Nothing really happening (still) Back in March I joined a new online dating site. It was good because the men there weren't the same ones I was seeing from all the other sites I HAD been on. But in the 6 months I've been on there I've met 4 men (one guy I went out with twice) One of them had real potential despite living an hour North of me but it fizzled out when his true colors did (I think I will back away when someone tells me they've been in recovery) Not that I really have anything against anyone in recovery but I think it's a little different when you've done hard drugs as opposed to alcohol. I mean his brain was absolutely fried and he was so off and on I had anxiety attacks from it....
Geez, weren't we just celebrating Memorial day or something? Well, I just looked and I saw my last entry was in April so maybe that's why I am so far behind. I'm trying to do the KCL thing but I don't know for some reason I am not feeling as if I am fitting in there so well. Here seems more comfortable to me and it feels easier to keep up with everyone as I just scroll down my list and click to read an update. Sigh...I don't know what to do. Sometimes I do miss the regularity of keeping a journal but then sometimes it seems like too much work. I already feel as if I spend too much time online already.....